
An HBO "Superhero" Series

  A lot of movies or shows end up being close or the exact same as the original book. In this case, I have noticed the show has been super confusing to me. This is because the book and the show are similar but are not the same. The show we are watching has a lot of  hints that drop on characters parts that I remember from the book. I find myself trying to pair characters with each other from the book and the show and I have been having a hard time so it makes it difficult to pay attention to the show. We haven't finished all of the episodes yet, so my goal before we finish is to figure out which character goes with the characters from the book.   In the show they made Rorschach look like he was part of the bad guys. A group of men wear the Rorschach mask but instead of using him as a character the show makes it a group of white men. The show and book take place in the old times so it is disturbing to watch the racist crimes being acted out. We reached the part in the show...

An HBO Series

      The option I have chose is option number 4. Even though we were unable to complete the first episode, I thought that was one of the topics I could go off of the best. There were a couple "Easter eggs" and "callbacks" as our teacher mentioned but they are harder to point out since we are so early into the show. The comic book itself was interesting by the main theme of the book.  I unfortunately am not someone who particularly likes comic books, so I think it took me a little longer to actually enjoy what it was I was reading. In the first couple of minutes into the show, I already started comparing it to the book. There was a lot of parts I found confusing. I do not like reading the book before the show for a couple different reasons. I find it easier to imagine the characters in my head from the show so I get a good visual. Since we had done it the opposite way, I am so focused on figuring out which character matches with character throughout the show. Fo...

Atomic Boom

    After a long year in high school learning about the atomic bomb, I had forgotten all about it. I remember that was the only topic I was actually interested in during History class. The story behind it is so sickening and traumatic, which is why that is the only reason I remember it. As a couple years have gone by, I haven't put much thought into it.  After the past two weeks in my English class, we talked on the subject. Our teacher showed us a video of a atomic bomb. It bombed a whole town with people and families living in it. It is so hard to watch these kind of things because we are people at the end of the day. The families with little children are not involved in anything at all, but they have been hurt and it ruined their life forever. These kids have stains on their skin, they have medical issues now, and so much more.  We also talked about in class how mov...

Feelin Jazzy

                                                  Jazz is such a different type of vibe. There are people who extremely despise it and then there are people who absolutely love it. I think a big part of loving or hating it has to do with who you grew up with. My sister's, boyfriend's, parents, are in there 70's and they had her boyfriend grow up listening to that style of  music. Now he is a very passionate person who enjoys jazz music so much, he is living in New York City right now playing the drums. He has played with famous artists that have even been in famous movies like the Jazz player in the Disney movie, "Soul." I have personally gone to his shows in downtown Buffalo where he performs on the drums, then his friend plays guitar and plays the drums. Their style is Jazz, so it brings a bunch of different crowds into the club. I ...

Paranoid by the Paranoia

     I have always had a hard time figuring out if ghost stories are real. I hear different tales and it makes me question what stories are fake, and what stories are true. I think people also use spiritual story's to make themselves and others comfortable and it gives them hope. I personally think if I had an experience with a spirit  I would be very scared because being able to see ghost isn't something that makes me comfortable. William H Mumler's experience is something that would freak me out. It feels like the spirits are held back because they have unfinished business. In some scary movies like "The Conjuring" they have warnings at the start of the movie saying that "This is based off a true story," which steers me to believe they could be real. But they definitely have satanic backgrounds behind it. There has to be a reason they are being brought back and people who are still living are able to see them. It is not normal at all and would be a ver...

The Generation Where Everything Is Okay

       As many people have different opinions on strong topics, this generation has proven that being strong to who you believe you are, makes you a unique person. After being in my English 208 class, I have learned what Black Minstrelsy was. This was a very interesting topic to start the semester off with because the story was very dense.  There was multiple different topics that the story went through in the little amount of pages there were. One topic that stood out to me the most, was when they brought up homosexuality. This is a topic that relates to this generation because everyone as a whole, has improved their thoughts and feelings about it. It is popular now more than ever, for people to come out without shame.       In this story it was written in the old times, when it was not okay to be anything from "the normal". Women and men got married and had children. In this day and age, men get married to men and women ...