An HBO "Superhero" Series


A lot of movies or shows end up being close or the exact same as the original book. In this case, I have noticed the show has been super confusing to me. This is because the book and the show are similar but are not the same. The show we are watching has a lot of  hints that drop on characters parts that I remember from the book. I find myself trying to pair characters with each other from the book and the show and I have been having a hard time so it makes it difficult to pay attention to the show. We haven't finished all of the episodes yet, so my goal before we finish is to figure out which character goes with the characters from the book.  

In the show they made Rorschach look like he was part of the bad guys. A group of men wear the Rorschach mask but instead of using him as a character the show makes it a group of white men. The show and book take place in the old times so it is disturbing to watch the racist crimes being acted out. We reached the part in the show where Sister Night (who is pictured below), took pills that made her relive her grandfathers memories. So she is at the point where white people are treating her like she isn't human. The grandfather was a black police officer so the movie is showing white citizens treating him without respect and showing the other white police officers letting white men go that he arrested. It is sad to see the stories we hear acted out in a show because it seems so real. 

The picture below as mentioned in the paragraph above is Sister Night. She happens to be my favorite character for so many reasons. I have always grew up wanting to be a police officer and I ended up changing my mind as I got closer to college because of everything that is happening in todays world with African Americans and police officers. Sister Night is a character named Detective Angela Abar who is one of the masked police. Her character is represented by showing how strong, independent, and powerful her character really is. I hope for good things in the future episodes for her because she has been one of the main reasons I am still interested in the show.
