Feelin Jazzy


      Jazz is such a different type of vibe. There are people who extremely despise it and then there are people who absolutely love it. I think a big part of loving or hating it has to do with who you grew up with. My sister's, boyfriend's, parents, are in there 70's and they had her boyfriend grow up listening to that style of music. Now he is a very passionate person who enjoys jazz music so much, he is living in New York City right now playing the drums. He has played with famous artists that have even been in famous movies like the Jazz player in the Disney movie, "Soul." I have personally gone to his shows in downtown Buffalo where he performs on the drums, then his friend plays guitar and plays the drums. Their style is Jazz, so it brings a bunch of different crowds into the club. I think this topic worked for me because I am a little familiar with it, and I have recently started to enjoy Jazz music.
    I thought it was very interesting when I googled jazz, it came up as a bunch of African American performers. All of the pictures looked older (black and white), and a lot of them were smoking or surrounded by a cloud of smoke. This made me dig a little deeper into it and it was common for performers to smoke on stage back then. This blew my mind because a couple years ago I was in band and I remember them being on us for how important our lungs are to be able to play our instruments. So, these musicians not knowing how bad it was for them to be smoking, we're still doing it and sounded incredible. This also made me think about how in class we talked about the way people looked and how they were dressed. This was the time when the women walked around with their hair in a bob. This was a big deal back then because women never had their hair short, they never wore short clothes. 

    The two pictures on the top have very big meanings. The picture on the left was a big feature. I picked this picture because there are multiple pictures in black and white while they have some kind of smoke around them. The picture above on the right is a famous Jazz artist named Miles Davis. I remember learning about this artist in music class because he is known for his Jazz music. He is a famous artist to this day because he music is educational. The picture on the bottom features a Jazz group that is from a more recent time. This shows how the art moved from African Americans from some time ago that mainly  had one or two people playing, to a group of all cultures playing. These groups even play tributes to Miles Davis's music.


  1. It really cool that you know someone whos that successful of a jazz musician and are starting to get into it. Jazz isn't my favorite genre of music but it's still a very good one that I've been playing and listening to for a long time. I'd defiantly recommend if ever given the opportunity going to a show at the Lincoln Center in NYC. I saw Wynton Marsalis play there and it was a really cool experience. It is also one with a lot of history, mostly with African Americans as you already stated.


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